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Name des Werkzeugs:
Name of Tool:
PowerTCP Secure FTP For .NET
Company Name:
Dart Communications


Visual Studio .NET Add-In:
Kurzbeschreibung (Deutsch):
Description (English): Using PowerTCP Secure FTP for .NET, easily transfer files using wildcards or streams, or exercise greater control by directly accessing the data connection. Secure the data using SSL encryption with certificate authentication. Full support for most major servers in both secure and un-secure modes, including Globalscape, WS_FTP, and Serv_U.
Beschreibung (Deutsch): Using PowerTCP Secure FTP for .NET, easily transfer files using wildcards or streams, or exercise greater control by directly accessing the data connection. Secure the data using SSL encryption with certificate authentication. Full support for most major servers in both secure and un-secure modes, including Globalscape, WS_FTP, and Serv_U.
Aktuelle Version:
Current Version:

Preis: (Euro oder US-Dollar)
Price (Euros or US-Dollar):

URL für weitere Informationen:
URL for information:
Remarks (English):


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